Neat and Clean Laundromat

Welcome to Neat and Clean Laundromat. Please fill the washing machine and enjoy some coffee and cookies while waiting. If your cloths are smaller than expected after drying buy some new ones in our shop. 

All laundry paintings are made by tiya33, see the link below. 

Made for BnS 87. 

Gallery link: Neat and Clean Laundromat
Gallery link for paintings: Laundry Vintage by tiya33

Lot size: 20x20
Lot type: retail

Street views 

Open house

The entrance with a little coffee shop and waiting area.

Here are the washing machines in the laundry room.
View back to the entrance and waiting area and the door leads to the restroom.

Dark green are the dryers.

And there is also space to fold the cloths.

Another view of the dryers.

One level above...

Above the laundry there is a small boutique in case your cloths are too small now.

Some games shorten the waiting time.

Sometimes there's a show on the catwalk.

Welcome to the shop.

It's a small one...

with beautiful new cloths.

Night views

Floor plans

1st level

2nd level


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